120 Minute Massage
120 Minute Massage
Donated by: Celeste Tulecki at Celeste Massage Therapy
Donated by: Celeste Tulecki at Celeste Massage Therapy
Your maximum bid: $140
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Gift certificate for 120 minute massage About Celeste Tulecki: I love this work. It is a joy to work with my hands listening deeply to the muscle tissue and to what you need. My invitation is for you to root into your body, to re-member your wholeness in every cell and to breath into forgotten places. I am committed to providing you an experience that allows you relax deeply into receiving, being held and listened to. This is about you, and your body. I will focus in on the parts of your body that need it the most. I will always receive you with unconditional positive regard. My office is a place of confidentiality and is a space to be exactly whatever you need to be--quiet or talkative, allowing emotions to move through you or not. I combine myofascial work with Swedish massage techniques into an individualized whole body treatment (back, legs, feet, arms, hands and neck).
A note from Vermont Bar Foundation: Vermont faces significant challenges in meeting the goal of providing access to justice for all litigants in our civil courts.
Through our grants program, the Vermont Bar Foundation raises funds to support statewide access to justice. Our goal is to raise $30,000 from the silent auction fundraiser.
Since its inception in 1982, the Vermont Bar Foundation has provided over $27 million in grants to
support 60 Vermont organizations which provide access to justice for disadvantaged Vermonters. But the sources of the grant funds—interest on lawyers’ trust accounts, or IOTA revenues—have been in decline. The VBF seeks to stabilize its critical funding role through fundraising events and community support.
The auction proceeds will support grantees facing unanticipated needs, support legal
services .
Item delivery: After you have paid for an auction item that you have won, the event organizer will contact you to coordinate delivery.
Picking up the item would be ideal because the Vermont Bar Foundation has limited resources.
If you are unable to pick up the item, please contact Capitol Copy to arrange for delivery. You can reach them by phone at (802) 223-0500 or by email at capitolcopyvt@gmail.com. You can pay them directly to have your item(s) delivered to you.